

   ✐✎HOLIDAY HW ✐✎ 


As we approach the summer break, the childlike excitement is all pervasive!!! 
It's a time when we at St.Columba's, wish that our students and their families stay safe and bond like never before.
 Keeping in mind several requests from parents, during interactions lately, we have tried to strike a balance between academic revision for PA1 and fun filled activities!!! 
There is a week by week capsule lined up for you. 
Please visit the last post on all your regular blogs for an update on the holiday homework. 
Please note that the submission for these assignments will be when the session resumes in July!! 
Wishing you happy and fun filled holidays!!

English Holiday Homework

Class 5

WEEK 1: Literature

Refer to the story ‘Rikki Tikki and Nag’ for the question given below:

 Imagine that Anika is a new student in your class. This is her first day. How do you think she feels on her first day. How do you think she feels on her first day at school? Look at the picture given below and explain it in about 40-50 words.

TASK 4: 
Boys to learn the poem and song given for Rhyme and Rhythm.  
Note: Boys to write the answers of these questions in their Eng Lit. notebook. 

WEEK 2: Vocab Building

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WEEK 3: Reading Comprehension


Unseen passage  (  1. ) 
 ( Reading Comprehension)

What is an Unseen Comprehension Passage?

It is a short story or a description of something which you may never have read before ; followed by some questions based on  what you read in the passage.


You need to keep the following points in mind:

1. Do not give too much importance to things of little importance.

Details are important but don't be fill your mind with examples, pictures and so on. You just need to get a hang of the main point and not the examples.

2. Do not memorize (learn by heart)

You do not need to memorize every word present in the passage. Understanding the flow, structure and the main points in the passage should be your priority.

3. Do not read the passage first

Always go through the questions first and then the passage. This will prepare you to focus on the things you need to look in the passage. Focus only on the questions, and not on a particular answer option. A quick overview of the questions is sufficient.

4. Do not lay too much stress on new words

 While reading the passage, make sure that you understand the gist of the passage and do not get stuck on particular words.

5. Do not think the correct option would come from outside the passage

Any of the options in mcq's  that is out of scope is never the correct answer. The right answer is always based on the information given within the passage. Do not focus on any of the options that distract you from the passage.

Let's get started!

Ex. 2.
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:-

Paintbrush Tails! 
   ( para 1 King Louie had found something in the jungle. It was large, cold and heavy. He couldn't carry it, so he bowled it all the way to his home. King Louie's home is an old, ruined temple , where he lives with all his monkeys.
( para 2 )  The monkeys were eager to know  what it was that King Louie had found.  With sticks and stones they poked and banged until, at last , they found that the top of it came off. It was, in fact , a huge can of paint  and they soon discovered the white, sticky paint inside.  The can had fallen from a truck that had been passing along the jungle track.

( para 3 ) " No  one  came back for it, so we'll keep it", said King Louie. " We' ll paint our home! It will look nice all white, instead of dirty grey." 
" But what do we paint with? " asked a monkey. " Did  some paintbrushes fall off the truck, too?".  " No," chuckled  King Louie. " We' ll have to use our tails! "
( para 4 )  The monkeys and King Louie dipped their tails into the paint and then what fun they had!  They sang happily as they painted. 
 The ruin  really looked quite nice by the time they had finished  but as for all their tails, well!  For months after  that anyone who made their way through the jungle was heard to remark:-  " The monkeys in these parts  all have WHITE tails!  How very strange! "

Q.A.  Answer the following questions:-
  1. Who was King Louie and where did he live?

  1. What did King Louie find one day?  Describe it.

  1. How did the monkeys get ' white tails' ? 

Q .B. Choose the correct option:-

  1. " No one came back for it, so we'll keep it", said King Louie.
  •  King Louie wished to keep the object he had found because:-

  1. he was bored all morning.
  2. it was a strange object with long ears
  3. he wanted to paint his home with it.
  4. no one else owned such a delightful object in the jungle.

Q. C. Pick out words from the story which are synonyms of:-

  1. something which is badly damaged / destroyed.(para 1)  -------------
  2. to laugh quietly (para 3) -------------------
  3. anxious / longing to do ( para 2 ) -----------

  Q. D.  Pick out words from the story  which describe the nouns given below:-

  1. temple -------------,  -------------------
  2. paint  ---------------, --------------------


Unseen passage ( 2.) 
 ( Reading Comprehension)

What is an Unseen Comprehension Passage?

It is a short story or a description of something which you may never have read before ; followed by some questions based on  what you read in the passage.


You need to keep the following points in mind:

1. Do not give too much importance to things of little importance.

Details are important but don't be fill your mind with examples, pictures and so on. You just need to get a hang of the main point and not the examples.

2. Do not memorize (learn by heart)

You do not need to memorize every word present in the passage. Understanding the flow, structure and the main points in the passage should 

be your priority.

3. Do not read the passage first

Always go through the questions first and then the passage. This will prepare you to focus on the things you need to look in the passage. Focus only on the questions, and not on a particular answer option. A quick overview of the questions is sufficient.

4. Do not lay too much stress on new words

 While reading the passage, make sure that you understand the gist of the passage and do not get stuck on particular words.

5. Do not think the correct option would come from outside the passage

Any of the options in mcq's  that is out of scope is never the correct answer. The right answer is always based on the information given within the passage. Do not focus on any of the options that distract you from the passage.

Let's get started!
Ex. 1 
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:-

Weeds: The Unwanted Plants.

    (para1) A plant may be considered a weed in one place but not necessarily in another. Weeds are troublesome. They compete with for sunlight, water , nutrients and space with crops and reduce crop yields. Certain weeds also shelter insects and diseases that damage nearby crops. Some weeds produce toxic chemical substances, which may affect crops , plants , animals and humans.
        ( para2 ) Some of the common weeds are :Poison Ivy, Fleece Flower Plants, Crabgrass Seed Head , Plantain Plants, etc.

      ( para 3) Weeds can also be beneficial . They protect the soil from soil-erosion in an abandoned  land. They also add organic matter to the soil and stabilize it. Some weeds provide shelter and food for birds and other wildlife. 

          ( para 4 ) Weeds have a long- term survival ability. Their seeds go dormant but as soon as the conditions are favourable , they sprout and sometimes produce tons of thousands of weeds in no time. Therefore, an agriculturist feels that weeds interfere with cultivated crops and there is a need to control them in an economical , practical and safe way.

Q.A. Choose the correct option:-
  1. Which of these correctly define the term, ' weeds':-
            a. seeds  
b.  organic matter
c. unwanted plants  
d. cultivated crops
  1. The term, ' beneficial' in ( para 3). of the passage, means :-
c.left in a particular place
d.not helpful

      Q.B.   Answer the following questions:-
  1. Why do agriculturists / farmers dislike weeds?
  2. State ways by which weeds compete with plants?
  3. Mention two ways in which weeds can  be beneficial .
  4. Find a word from the passage ( para 1 ) which means the same as - poisonous.

       Q. C.  Match the words with their correct meaning:-
  1.                             B.   
  1. compete.           to come between

  1. economical.       can be done , not just an idea.

  1. abandoned.        fight
  2. practical.          cheap/ inexpensive

        5. interfere.        left in a particular place



Refer to the  textbook, Essentials of English Grammar and Composition by Sultan Chand.

Lesson no.35 . Reading Skills.
Page no. 146 , Ex. 1 
Page no. 147 , Ex. 2
Page no. 148 ,. Ex. 3 

The work needs to be done neatly in the textbook itself.

WEEK 4 : Grammar

Task 1-

Task 2-

Task 3-
Task 4-

Task 5-
WEEK 5: Writing 

Task 1- 
Read the poem ‘ Be a Friend’ page no. 13 of your literature book. Also refer to the blog posted on this lesson.

Task 2- 
Make a colourful card or a collage on the following :
My best friend- a beautiful bond of friendship!

Task 3- 
Take an A4 size sheet and write a paragraph in about 50-60
words on your best friend (what you like most about your
best friend; what makes this friendship special).



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